
Error CS7036 in Unity

Error CS7036 in Unity

Understanding Error CS7036

The C# Language Feature

Error CS7036 in Unity is a C# compiler error message that states: “There is no argument given that corresponds to the required formal parameter.” In simple terms, this error occurs when a method is called with missing, mismatched, or incorrectly typed arguments. C# is a strongly typed language, and thus, the compiler needs to know the exact types of all variables and parameters to ensure type safety.

How This Error Occurs in Unity

Unity, a popular game development engine, uses C# as one of its primary scripting languages. When working on a Unity project, you may encounter Error CS7036 if your code doesn’t adhere to C#’s strict typing requirements.

Common Scenarios and Solutions

The following are common scenarios where Error CS7036 may occur in Unity projects, along with their respective solutions:

Mismatched Method Signatures

A common cause of Error CS7036 is a mismatch between the method signature defined in a class and the method call made in another part of the code.

Solution: Fix the Method Signature

Ensure that the method signature in the class definition and the method call in your code has the same number of arguments and types. For example, if your method is defined as void MyMethod(int a, string b), make sure you call it as MyMethod(1, “example”), not MyMethod(1).

Missing or Incorrect Namespaces

Another reason for Error CS7036 is the use of a method from a different namespace without importing it.

Solution: Import the Correct Namespace

To fix this error, add the appropriate using directive at the top of your script. For instance, if you’re using a method from the System.Collections.Generic namespace, add using System.Collections.Generic; at the beginning of your code.

Incompatible Data Types

Passing an argument of an incompatible data type to a method may also cause Error CS7036.

Solution: Use Appropriate Data Types

Make sure to use the correct data type when passing arguments to methods. For example, if a way expects an int argument, don’t pass a float or a string.

Incorrect Use of Optional Parameters

As a programmer, one of the essential concepts you need to understand is optional parameters. These parameters are useful in allowing you to define default values for your functions, making them more flexible and easier to use. However, the incorrect use of optional parameters can have severe consequences and lead to program errors. In this article, we will explore what optional parameters are, their importance in programming, and the common mistakes made when using them.

How to Correctly Use Optional Parameters

There are several best practices to follow to avoid incorrect use of optional parameters. These practices can help ensure that your code is efficient, easy to read, and error-free.

Set Default Values

Always set default values for your optional parameters. This ensures that your function will have a default behavior if a value is not specified. It also helps prevent program errors and unexpected behavior.

Avoid Overloading Functions

Avoid overloading functions with optional parameters. Instead, define separate functions for different purposes. This makes your code more readable and easier to maintain.

Use Appropriate Data Types

When using optional parameters, make sure to use appropriate data types. This helps ensure that the function behaves correctly and that the caller can provide input in the correct format.

Clearly Specify Optional Parameters

Finally, when using optional parameters, it is essential to clearly specify their purpose and behavior. This makes it easier for other programmers to use your code and helps prevent errors and bugs.


Here is an example of the correct usage of optional parameters in Python:


def greeting(name, greeting_phrase="Hello"):
print(greeting_phrase + ", " + name + "!")

greeting("John") # Outputs "Hello, John!"
greeting("Sarah", "Hi") # Outputs "Hi, Sarah!"

In this example, the greeting_phrase parameter is optional and has a default value of “Hello.” If no value is provided, the default value is used.

Define Default Values for Optional Parameters

In programming, optional parameters are a powerful tool that allows for greater flexibility and functionality in functions and methods. However, when using optional parameters, it is crucial to define default values for them to avoid errors and unexpected behavior.

What are Optional Parameters?

Optional parameters are parameters in functions or methods that can be omitted when calling the function. These parameters have default values that are used if no value is specified by the caller. Optional parameters are useful in allowing for variations in input and making functions more flexible.

Why Define Default Values?

Defining default values for optional parameters is essential because it ensures that the function or method has a default behavior if a value is not specified. This prevents program errors and unexpected behavior. It also makes the code more readable and easier to maintain.

Best Practices for Defining Default Values

Here are some best practices for defining default values for optional parameters:

  • Always define default values for optional parameters to avoid unexpected behavior.
  • Define default values that make sense in the context of the function or method.
  • Avoid using mutable objects as default values, as they can cause unexpected behavior.
  • Document the default values of optional parameters in the function or method documentation.

Example in Python

Here is an example of defining default values for optional parameters in Python:


def greet(name, greeting="Hello"):
print(greeting, name)

greet("John") # Outputs "Hello John"
greet("Sarah", "Hi") # Outputs "Hi Sarah"

In this example, the greeting parameter is optional and has a default value of “Hello.” If no value is provided, the default value is used.

Best Practices to Avoid Error CS7036

In programming, Error CS7036 occurs when a function or method is called with incorrect or missing arguments. This error can be frustrating and time-consuming to fix. However, by following some best practices, you can avoid Error CS7036 and write more efficient and reliable code.

What is Error CS7036?

Error CS7036 is a compiler error in C# that occurs when a function or method is called with incorrect or missing arguments. This error can cause the program to crash or produce unexpected behavior, making it crucial to avoid.

Best Practices to Avoid Error CS7036

Here are some best practices to avoid Error CS7036:

  1. Check for null or empty values before calling functions or methods that require them as arguments.
  2. Use optional parameters with default values to make functions more flexible.
  3. Use parameter overloading to allow for variations in input.
  4. Use named arguments to make the function call more readable and explicit.
  5. Document the expected arguments and their types in the function or method documentation.

Example in C#

Here is an example of using optional parameters to avoid Error CS7036 in C#:


public void Greet(string name, string greeting = "Hello") {
Console.WriteLine(greeting + ", " + name);

Greet("John"); // Outputs "Hello, John"
Greet("Sarah", "Hi"); // Outputs "Hi, Sarah"

In this example, the greeting parameter is optional and has a default value of “Hello.” If no value is provided, the default value is used.


Error CS7036 can be a common problem in Unity when using C#. By following the best practices outlined in this article, you can avoid this error and write more efficient and reliable code in your Unity projects.

In summary, to avoid Error CS7036 in Unity, it is important to check for null or empty values before calling functions or methods that require them as arguments. Using optional parameters with default values, parameter overloading, and named arguments can also make functions more flexible and help avoid this error. Additionally, documenting the expected ideas and their types in the function or method documentation can help prevent errors and make your code more readable and maintainable.

By implementing these best practices and keeping an eye out for potential issues, you can ensure that your Unity projects are error-free and run smoothly.


What causes Error CS7036 in Unity?

Error CS7036 in Unity is caused by a function or method being called with incorrect or missing arguments. This can happen when a required argument is null or empty, or when the wrong number or type of argument is provided.

How can I avoid Error CS7036 in Unity?

To avoid Error CS7036 in Unity, it is important to check for null or empty values before calling functions or methods that require them as arguments. Using optional parameters with default values, parameter overloading, and named arguments can also make functions more flexible and help avoid this error.

What are some best practices for handling arguments in Unity?

Some best practices for handling arguments in Unity include checking for null or empty values, using optional parameters with default values, parameter overloading, using named arguments, and documenting the expected ideas and their types in the function or method documentation.

How can I debug Error CS7036 in Unity?

To debug Error CS7036 in Unity, you can use Unity’s debugging tools and check for errors in the console. You can also step through the code using breakpoints to identify the source of the error.

Are there any tools or plugins that can help me avoid errors like CS7036 in Unity?

There are various tools and plugins available for Unity that can help you avoid errors like CS7036. Some popular options include ReSharper and Visual Studio for Unity, which offer code analysis and debugging features to help identify and prevent errors in your code.

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