
How to Calculate the Error Rate on Running Record

How to Calculate the Error Rate on Running Record


Running records are a valuable tool for assessing a student’s reading level and progress. They allow teachers to track a student’s growth over time and identify areas where they may need additional support. However, in order to get an accurate picture of a student’s reading level, it’s important to calculate their error rate. In this article, we’ll explain what an error rate is, why it’s important, and how to calculate it on a running record.

What is an Error Rate

An error rate is the number of errors a student makes while reading a text divided by the total number of words in the text. Errors can include mispronunciations, substitutions, omissions, and insertions. The resulting percentage gives teachers an idea of a student’s reading accuracy and can help them determine whether a text is too difficult for the student.

How to Calculate Error Rate on Running Record

Calculating the error rate on a running record is a fairly simple process. Here are the steps:

Step 1: Administer the Running Record

The first step in calculating the error rate is to administer a running record. A running record is a type of assessment where a student reads a text out loud while the teacher marks any errors on a paper.

Step 2: Count the Errors

After the student has finished reading, count the total number of errors they made. This includes any substitutions, omissions, mispronunciations, or insertions.

Step 3: Determine the Total Number of Words

Count the total number of words in the text. This includes all words, even if the student skipped over them or substituted them.

Step 4: Calculate the Error Rate

To calculate the error rate, divide the total number of errors by the total number of words and multiply by 100. For example, if a student made 3 errors in a 100-word text, the calculation would be:

3 / 100 = 0.03
0.03 x 100 = 3%

Therefore, the student’s error rate would be 3%.

Step 5: Interpret the Results

Once you have calculated the error rate, you can interpret the results. A general rule of thumb is that an error rate of 0-5% is considered independent reading level, 6-10% is instructional reading level, and 11% or higher is frustration reading level.

Accuracy Rate

The accuracy rate is a crucial component of assessing reading fluency and comprehension. It refers to the percentage of words a student reads correctly in a given passage. Calculating the accuracy rate involves dividing the number of words read correctly by the total number of words in the passage, and multiplying by 100 to get a percentage.

The formula for calculating the accuracy rate is:

Accuracy Rate = (Number of words read correctly / Total number of words in the passage) x 100

For example, if a student reads a passage of 100 words and reads 90 of those words correctly, their accuracy rate would be:

Accuracy Rate = (90 / 100) x 100 = 90%


(99 - 8) / 99 x 100 = Accuracy rate
91/99 x 100 = Accuracy rate
.919 x 100 = 91.9%, or 92%

The accuracy rate is an essential metric for teachers to track as it helps to identify areas where students may be struggling with their reading skills. By taking regular running records and calculating the accuracy rate, teachers can see how a student’s reading skills are developing and adjust instruction accordingly.

Self-Correction Rate

Self-correction rate is another important metric used in running records to assess a student’s reading skills. It refers to the number of times a student corrects their own mistakes while reading. Calculating the self-correction rate involves dividing the number of self-corrections made by the total number of errors, and multiplying by 100 to get a percentage.

The formula for calculating the self-correction rate is:

Self-Correction Rate = (Number of self-corrections / Total number of errors) x 100

For example, if a student makes 5 errors while reading a passage and self-corrects 2 of those errors, their self-correction rate would be:

Self-Correction Rate = (2 / 5) x 100 = 40%

A high self-correction rate indicates that a student is monitoring their own reading and making corrections when they notice mistakes. This is an important skill for developing reading fluency and comprehension. By tracking the self-correction rate over time, teachers can see how a student’s self-monitoring skills are developing and provide targeted instruction to help them improve their reading skills.


Q: What is a running record?

A: A running record is a tool used to assess a student’s reading accuracy, fluency, and comprehension. It involves the teacher listening to the student read aloud and marking any errors or miscues made.

Q: How often should I administer a running record?

A: It’s recommended to administer a running record at least three times per year to assess a student’s reading progress. However, you may administer it more frequently if necessary.

Q: What do I do with the results of a running record?

A: The results of a running record can help inform your teaching and provide insight into a student’s reading progress. You can use the results to identify areas of strength and weakness and tailor your instruction to meet the student’s needs.

Q: Can a student have a negative error rate?

A: No, a student cannot have a negative error rate. The error rate is calculated by dividing the total number of errors by the total number of words read, which can never be negative.

Q: What other factors should I consider when interpreting a running record?

A: In addition to the error rate, you should also consider other factors such as the student’s fluency, comprehension, and self-correction rate. These factors can provide a more comprehensive understanding of the student’s reading progress.

How to Calculate the Error Rate on Running Record


calculating the error rate on a running record is a valuable tool for teachers to use in assessing their students’ reading progress. By administering a running record and following the steps outlined in this article, you can gain a clear understanding of a student’s reading accuracy and fluency and use this information to inform your instruction.

Remember to take your time when administering a running record and record the errors accurately. Use the error rate to identify areas of strength and weakness in a student’s reading and tailor your instruction accordingly.

Incorporating running records into your teaching practice can provide valuable insight into a student’s reading development and help you make informed decisions about how to support their progress. With practice and experience, you can become skilled at administering and interpreting running records, and use this knowledge to improve the reading skills of your students.

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